Friday 11 August 2023

A quilt in a day.

 Well, two days actually because I had to go to work. But on the first day I had the top complete, I had pieced the batting from left overs, loaded three layers on to the frame and started quilting.

What brought about this flurry of activity you ask? The call for a raffle prize at work. I needed something fast. so I dug out a half jelly roll I had stashed away, some pieces I cut in to two, and some in to four. then began to race the clock, sewing the pieces end to end, then folding it in half and sewing a very long seam, then another and another. All the while telling myself I should stop and get a photo, then sewing some more and before I knew it, I was adding a little extra to each side and I was done and still had no photo. The very first picture I captured was about three rows in to the quilting on the frame and just before I shot out of the door for work. 
I continued the quilting the next day, as soon as my chores were done. It was a very grey wintery day not at all like the day before. 
I was surprised to find I had a companion, even if she did sleep through the whole process. I rather thought she might prefer to be tucked up under the completed quilts on our bed. 
She remained there snoozing atop her castle, even after I had completed the quilting and laid the quilt out on the floor to capture this picture and trim the bulk of the excess backing and batting away. 
And now finally you get your first look at the whole top. 
I won at thread chicken by the way.
This was the bobbin when I cleaned the machine and threw the cover over it.
It really did not take long to tidy the edges, make the binding and sew it on, then I set about closing the binding by hand and had that complete before it was time to go to work again. But I didn't take my latest quilt to work with me, first I needed some photos, in the sun.
And the next day was sunny and bright.
A little too bright to be honest, these pics are a bit glary, but they are all I have.
For those interested here is a closer look at the quilting design I opted for.
It was fun, easy and fast to use, which was great, because I was in a hurry.
So the kiwi jelly roll race is now at work and already three people have told me they will be buying extra raffle tickets, as they want more chances to win it.
That makes me feel good.
Other things that make me feel good include  Cosy covers on my bed. A very cold weather front has just moved up New Zealand, from the Southern ocean, bringing very cold air and snow to low levels. No snow here in Timaru, but boy is it cold! I got Lucy blue finished just in time to add an extra layer on to the bed.
I have patterns and paper pieces and even fabrics to make at least three more EPP quilts but just couldn't resist when I saw someone selling this little lot on a NZ facebook page.
She had started then sadly life got in the way and she cannot continue. She wanted it to go to someone who would enjoy the process. I got a bargain! I got 4-5 meters of fabric for the price of one, and I can start right away as there are hundreds of hexies already basted and ready to go. 
That makes me feel good.
All of your lovely comments make me feel good. So thank you for reading my blog and leaving me lovely messages.
I notice that blogger has decided that it will no longer forward all of your messages to my email. I try to reply to everyone, even when blogger doesn't play nice and doing that makes me feel good too. 


Jeanette said...

Your raffle quilt looks lovely. Nice lot of hexagons & fabrics you bought.

Lin said...

Well that was a great finish and I hope it raises lots of dosh! Lucy looks lovely on your bed and what a bargain! Do have fun with those hexies.
Every now and then blogger has a blip and doesn't send comments on to me but then it rights itself. Just a pain while it happens. xx

Christine B said...

Your raffle quilt finish is fabulous Loulee and I am sure whoever wins it will cherish it! Hugs Christine xx

Fiona said...

lovely donation quilt.... and great hexagon haul... you will have fun with those.... for soem reason blogger seams to do these things... I keep missing comments

Jenny said...

Your raffle quilt looks great, must admit that I've never made a jelly roll quilt yet. You surely got a bargain with the hexies and extra fabric, well done.

ButterZ said...

That was a fun quilt to make. Next up was a great buy. LadtlyLucy is beautiful

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

My goodness, that is quite a beautiful little quilt you made so quickly. How kind you are to donate it too. And what a wonderful find with all those hexies in progress. Couldn't have found a better home! And your beautiful quilt on the bed so cosy too. Great post!

Ondrea said...

What a fantastic achievement!! Well done girl!

Mystic Quilter said...

Congratulation on a major quick finish! Great jelly roll design and I love the quilting design you used. Lucky you bagging the hexagon project, especially good is the fact there are so many basted! What is going on with Blogger?

Chookyblue...... said...

Well done....... The quilt looks lovely and I'm so pleased you take quilt photo shoots now days......
Currently 32deg here and leaving to head back south just before 35 hits .....

cityquilter grace said...

a delightful post...lovely quilt that someone will love...and a garnered bargain!

Raewyn said...

What a fun and speedy quilt Lou. And such a good cause too - I hope it helps to raise plenty of funds for your work. Your chilly days are a lot cooler than ours I believe, although we have had the fire going all winter! Good find with the hexies - always nice to have a hand project to work on.

Susan said...

well done on the raffle quilt - it sure does help to have a quilting frame!

It got warm here - seems summer has arrived - 28 degrees!

Karen S said...

That is a great effort getting the quilt together so quickly and then getting a finish! Fantastic!

kiwikid said...

Well done Lou, love the NZ quilt and the quilting pattern is wonderful too. Great find of all those hexies! Lucy Blue looks great on your bed!