Thursday 31 August 2023

Well that didn't go to plan...

Jenny Janome, my lovely quilting machine started to make that awful noise again. Dr Tony and I had a look about on the WWW. to see if we could figure out what is going on and decided that the timing must be off. Often caused by hitting a pin, or a broken needle. Both of which have occurred since her last service. So Jenny Janome is off to the spa, she will be gone for three weeks!
My scrappy hexie project has had some attention.
So has my crochet.
The days are warm and beautiful, but the evenings are still cool.
On those lovely warm days I've been going out walking in the scenic reserve.
Here's some nature spam, but stay with me as I have stash enhancement to share.
Lots of trees and shrubs have blossom. 
We'll be walking over that bridge soon.
After a little detour along the Otipua Creek track.
There is water down there, honest.
Most of the trees are still bare.
It is a beautiful scenic walk.
More blossoms.
The suspension bridge. There is a sign saying to limit numbers on the bridge to twenty people. It does wobble rather alarmingly. More so when you have to share it with someone. 
But that is not why my picture is wonky.
I went off road on the return trip.
Following a track above the road.
The reserve used to be a quarry, there are info boards dotted about. Many were overgrown and need clearing.
The reserve/quarry is set into a ravine that runs through town, the other side has a winding serpentine path.
These beautiful coppery trees always catch my eye.
And now for the stash enhancement.
Debbie and I had a sit n stitch the other day, after a morning of her knitting and me sewing hexies we decided to go out for lunch, and a browse through some op shops.
I found treasure.
Some great pieces of fabric.
A whole bundle of purple!
There is more than enough to make a good size lap quilt
I wonder if that HST was plan A??
I also found a bag of bunting.
I did not realise it was lots of short lengths until I got it home, but that's OK I can make that work.
Debbie found some wool for a baby cardigan and reconnected with an old acquaintance.
A good op shop day.
No more sitting and stitching was done as I was asked to work an extra shift.
The home is now clear of Covid, though some staff members are still off with it. My colleague who was in hospital is home now, but still quite poorly and I have been covering some of her shifts.
Of course those of us doing the extras are starting to get pretty worn out and in need of a rest.


Lin said...

Poor Jenny - hope it's nothing too serious (expensive) lol. Nice hexies and what a lovely walk. Good to hear that covid has cleared out of the home, you need a holiday! We are warned of a new covid strain here with vaccinations being brought forward for the vulnerable. xx

cityquilter grace said...

such pretty little hexies and good op shop haul...glad to hear hubs is improving...hoping you get some work relief soon...there's sewing to be done!

Susan said...

A lovely "stroll" - would be great to see the seasons change - doesn't happen much here.

excellent Op Shopping - I rarely go Op Shopping and hardly ever find fabrics...sometimes yarn ..must be going to the wrong shops...

Hopefully, work will slow down a bit soon & Jenny Janome comes back refreshed.

Raewyn said...

Sorry to hear about Jenny, Lou....but I am sure you will find plenty to keep your fingers busy while she is being fixed. Your hexie project is really growing. Sounds like you had a nice girls' day out...great finds while op-shopping! Oh and a lovely walk in the park.

kiwikid said...

Great place to walk Lou, the suspension bridges are always tricky to walk on, especially when there is a friend/family member with you who likes to shake it!! Wonderful pick up at the op shop. Hope you can get a good break soon.

Karen S said...

I know the feeling. My two sewing machines decided to stop working within hours of each other. Grrr...
Lovely photos from your walk. With the weather warming up it is much easier to get out and about.

Jennifer said...

Hope your machine is fixed and running again before too long! Great op shopping haul....and thank you for taking us along on your walk, it was very interesting.

Chookyblue...... said...

Oh I hope the machine is back soon so you can finish the quilting.......I did turn the quilting machines on for 10 mins yesterday. Hope your not too shocked about that news. Broke the bobbin a couple of times. Stitches look terrible. Will try with different sort of fabric.