Saturday 24 July 2021

So the plan was....

 I said in my last post, that I planned to open up my cupboard and see which project spoke the loudest. 

Well that didn't happen.

I had chores to do in town on Thursday and on the way home I called into the Op shop, looking for the elusive orange coffee mug with white spots. (If you know, then you know).

No mug, but I did find treasure of another sort.

It's not often that I'm lucky enough to strike a find like this.
These are mostly fat quarters, with two skinny quarters and a bundle of fat eighths.
I was not the only one in the house to strike treasure.
Tony received mail.
It was all packaged safely in cardboard, not a box but...
Doesn't she look happy??
So what did happen?
You ask..
The squirrel took control.
I didn't go near the cupboard that holds all the projects that need quilting.
I didn't pay any attention to any of my other projects.
Firstly I pressed all of those pretty new fabrics. The squirrel happened to mention that some of them would be good for my hexie project. So that was that.
I sat the whole afternoon with Grans tray in my lap cutting and gluing hexies.
Then  I sorted my hexies into lil bags.
 Each one containing enough to make a whole diamond, or a whole flower. Not enough for the whole project, but enough to make a start.
Once that was done, I cut some more neutrals before I took out my needle and began to sew.
Yes, that outer round is one of the fabric finds from the Op shop.

Maybe I did find the project that shouted the loudest.
Sew that was my Thursday.
On Friday I did manage to achieve one of the things on my list.
Do you remember the spotty fabric? 
I was busy secretly sewing that.
And once that was done, those hexies got my attention again.
First thing on the list was to sort and cut more neutrals, I'll need over 500.
 I also cut and glued two more bags worth of hexies.
Then it was back to making diamonds.
By the time I finished sewing up number 4, I was ready for my bed and some sleep.
I know that Chookyblue would love it if I made such great progress on my Lucy Blue (Boston) project too. And believe me, I really would like to, but sadly I don't have any more papers. They seem to be scarce here in NZ. I have ordered some, but they may be a while.
Sorry Chooky. As soon as they get here I will make more progress.
Or maybe I'll keep it as my Zoom project?
When are we zooming again?
I have chores to do in the kitchen this morning, then I get to play, until it's time to go to work.


kiwikid said...

Great find at the op shop, your squirrel takes you off in interesting directions. You never need to buy cat toys do you 😁 great hexies.

Jeanette said...

Great find at the op shop. Your hexies look great. Hugs, xx

Lin said...

You really have got the EPP bug! Great find in your shop. xx

Shelina said...

That were great finds! The red fabric is so pretty. Our op shops don't get fabric or maybe they sell them online.

Fiona said...

Scoring some great fabrics is a great feeling... lovely sewing

Ondrea said...

Great find and lots of busy prep work ready to EPP. You did achieve quite a lot even though it wasn't as planned. Well done.

Radka said...

Oh well, once you start on hexies, it is just impossible to do anything else, too addictive! :-)

Janice said...

So us all this the mug’s fault🤣🤣. It looks like you are having fun.

dq said...

I love find the right "home" or project for new fabric finds. It is fun to bring them home and figure out what to do with them.

Looks like a fun week!

Chookyblue...... said...

Obviously catching up again...... Hope those papers have arrived..... Zooming tomorrow so does that mean Lucy's on the go?