DD Kay failed her college course this year. After four passes she has taken it very badly. She has decided not to stay on and retake. I talked to her about it the other night and pointed out that she is still a very talented artist and no matter what, she always will be. So what if she didn't do things up to college standards, or the way they wanted it, she can still draw and paint, she is still very artistic.
In an effort to cheer her up and get to spend a little time with her after years of her being shut away doing homework, I asked for her help with a new project.
She also sat here the other day and cut circles of denim for me, while I sewed circles. So we have two long term projects on the go. That should please Hunney, he says I go too fast!
Right I'm off to see if I can make a better job of a cream bag for Elaine, wish me luck. Then I want to finish quilting French Roses.
1) Cool mornings.
2) Hot sweet tea.
3) A kiss from my Hunney.
Give Kay a hug from both of us. I'm sure she will find a new direction and will be able to enjoy her art for its own sake.
Mick just looked at the photo of your table and remembered fondly the scrummy meal we had with you there. Enjoy your joint projects.
Kay will be fabulous with anything she does...look at the great support she has! Fabric fun is a great mood lifter!
I am sure with your support she will be ok, college results don't make the person. Nothing better than enjoying a project you can do together.
What a great project and nice idea for you to share with your daughter.
It is always hard when we work hard and it doesn't work out the way that we planned.
I am sure that Kay will find a new way where can use her artistic talents- in the meantime she has family who will continue to give her support and value her for the lovely young woman that she is.
I am sure that she will enjoy working on this project together.
Warmest regards,
I enjoy any time I get with mum. Even if it is whilst she is sat at the sewing machiene and I have a few colourd pencils out and my mad book.
To me it is better than the tv. will retake the course after a year or so, it would be nice to have alittle money to get me going again.
Thanks girlies and boys for all your support HAY JAN AND MIK yes i agree mums roasts are the best end to a week.
xx mum, will txt you t say whats happening birthday wize (sunday night or monday )
Hi Loulee, I'm still not getting your feed in Bloglines - what a pain as I like to keep up and I'm not managing by just guessing when you may have posted! Anyhoo, pleased you have such a cool relationship with your daughter. Look after each other!!!
It's always sad when plans don't work out, but at least Kay has the backing of her family - that's the important bit! Nothing in life is ever wasted, and while things can look bleak at the time, it's amazing how when one door closes, another really does open!
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